Monday, February 9, 2015

A New Dawn

As Dawn is taking over as my star, I decided to give her a new miniature.  I have chosen to use the Dark Reaper miniature "Mira" who bears more than a passing resemblance to Alice from Resident Evil fame.
Dawn, looking a bit more Post-Apocalyptic
While the mini is armed with a pistol and kukri, (the mini has options for two of either, or a mix/match like I have done) and this is a fair match for what Dawn is armed with.

I went with an earth tone palette, and a natural leather look for her trench coat.  I did go with red hair instead of blonde (from her original model) as I liked its look better.
It's a Big Pistol...
All the rage in PA fashion!
I have the miniature mounted on a Secret Weapons "Urban Streets" base, whose bases I am a fan of.  I went with a pretty bland gray rubble/pavement scheme for the base.  It works with my street tiles pretty well.

Also I managed to find some Horrorclix and have started the repaint/rebase of those miniatures.  They will appear in some of the next batreps or just join the growing horde of zeds and survivors...

Dawn's group shot:
Time to face the zombie horde!


  1. Now that's a star mini dude! Love what you've done with her too man. Nice paint and the not-paired weapons is much more survivor than superheroine. Great stuff.

    1. Thanks! I preferred the mixed weapons look, and I was pretty happy to find I could mix and match!

  2. Great loooking mini and a good choice for the 'new Dawn'; though she does look huge it's fitting for such a star.

    1. The mini was fun to paint. She looks much larger thanks to the base. I don't think it will be too distracting, but we will see I guess.

  3. Thats a cool model, great paint job.

  4. Very nicely done mate. Good choice with the weapons as well.

    1. It is at least pretty close to what she usually carries. It's always nice to find a fig with a load out that matches what you are trying to represent...

  5. Well done. Like your color choices a lot.

    1. Thanks, the pictures look much more shiny than in person.

  6. She looks ready for pretty much anything. Bring on the zombies!

    1. We will see what the apocalypse throws at our team. Let's hope they are up for it!
