Sunday, September 16, 2018

A Simple Run (Conclusion)

Dawn attacks the feasting zombies

Dawn saw the zombies tearing at the ganger and knew he was dead.  She couldn’t stand to see the zombies feasting and ran from the car wreck she had been using as cover towards the grisly scene.  Holstering her pistol, she used her machete to finish off the zombies as well as ensure the ganger would not rise later.
Jack jogged up beside her.  “It seems the locals aren’t too happy with us.”  He gestured back at the barricades.
Dawn checked and reloaded her SMG, glancing at the woman staring at her.  “I don’t get it.  You’d think they’d be glad to have some help.”
“LEAVE!”  The woman shouted and pointed at Dawn.  “GO AWAY!” 
Dawn shrugged and pointed across the street.  “We’re going to check these buildings and then we can leave.”  She said to Jack, who nodded.
“If we can get some gas we can move on.”  He suggested, looking back at the camp.  “I still don’t get what their problem is.”
Jack catches up to Dawn

We pick up part 2 with Dawn and Jack killing the zombies that were feasting on the ganger.  They still need to search the shops nearby, they need fuel and food to continue their trip.  Dawn clears her out of ammo, getting her SMG reloaded and operational.  They move across the street to the discount store.
Dawn and Jack approach the dollar store

Peering through the broken glass doors, Dawn could see the interior of the dollar store was a tumbled mess.  “Looks looted.”  She said to Jack as she pulled open the door and they entered.
Sunlight from the street illuminated the interior and the crunch of broken glass gave away their movement as they entered the shop.  Displays were knocked over and piles of boxes and clothes littered the floors.  A turned over display blocked the center of the store, and as they approached it, a young black woman stood up, holding a sub-machine gun at the ready.
“That’s far enough.”  She said.  “You’d best be getting back in camp.  When the boss hears about this, he’ll be pissed enough.  Maybe if you get back in there, he’ll let some of you live.”  She sneered as she spoke.
“What the hell do you mean?”  Jack said, his own weapon at the ready.  “We’re just trying to get back to our friends east of here.”
The young gang member laughed.  “You’re not even from here?  Yeah, right.  Nobody is on the road these days, I bet you’re from the school camp, out making trouble.”  She lifted her SMG to aim.  “Maybe I should shoot you now…”
A lone ganger

Checking the building, they find a lone ganger.  The meet and greet goes to Dawn, she scores more successes than the ganger.  We don’t learn much more, but I decide Dawn isn’t going to leave a ganger who is threatening to kill a bunch of people alone, and we go to in sight checks.
Jack fires and knocks the ganger out of the fight.  They take her SMG and search the store and find nothing.  Time to move to the next shop.
Checking out the liquor store
Checking the liquor store, Dawn and Jack find the building empty.  Searching yields nothing of value.  This is starting to look like an empty town.
The store is empty
There is a small tanker truck on the street, it is inoperable, out of fuel.  The tank on the back was most likely water or heating fuel (it’s a small truck) but still worth checking out.
Old Tanker truck

Jack stood looking at the small tanker truck, sitting on the sidewalk.  Bullet holes pockmarked the tank and the cab.  Shaking his head Jack checked the valves, getting nothing from opening them.  “Looks like a bust again.”  He said as dawn hopped down from the cab.
“Yeah, the cab is empty too.”  Dawn shrugged and pointed across the street.  “Let’s check the rescue truck, it looks like it’s in rough shape, but maybe there is something useful.”
A ruined rescue vehicle
Checking the truck as they cross the street, they find nothing of value.  It is out of fuel, so no point wasting any more time with it.  Dawn and Jack continue to the gas station.
Jack closed the utility cover with a clunk.  “I can’t believe there isn’t anything on these trucks.”
“Well, they did say some gang was around here.”  Dawn replied, gesturing to the camp.  She shook her head when she saw Mary still standing at the barricade, bow ready.  “They probably stripped this place clean.”
Jack sighed and scratched his chin.  “If that’s the case, there won’t even be a scrap left at this place.”  Moving forward with his SMG at the ready he continued “Never know ‘til ya try!”
As they walked towards the pumps, Dawn stopped, looking at the pearly white sedan parked at the gas pump.  It was in good condition, barely any dirt on the white paint.  Looking at the rear, it had a dealer name where the rear license plate should have been.  “Well this seems odd.”  Dawn said, looking around.
“Hey, alright!”  Jack said flashing a thumb’s up.  “About time we get some luck!”
Finding a car with gas

Moving to the gas station, the pair check the car parked at the pumps.  I check and it has gas (4 units – the most you can find) and the keys!  Did someone just leave this here?  It never fails to amaze me how the randomness of the dice rolls create things sometimes.
Not much left to do – time to check the gas station.
Checking the gas station

“We’re going to go at the ready.”  Dawn said, checking her SMG and stretching out her arms as she and Jack stood by the brand new Buick.  “I have to think whoever left this car here is inside looking for whatever else might be left.”
Jack nodded, checking his own weapon.  “Makes sense.  I can’t believe anyone would just leave a new car and gas just sitting.”  Cracking his back with a twist, Jack added “Let’s do this.”
Dawn and Jack plunged through the doors of the station, a small bell tinkling as they entered.  Holding their weapons at the ready, they startled a young man rummaging through some boxes at the counter.  He quickly held up his hands, not even trying to raise the shotgun he had slung.
“Don’t shoot!  I’m no threat!”  He yelled, panic edging his voice.
“Who are you?”  Dawn asked, not relaxing.
“I’m Will.”  He gestured slowly towards the camp barricades.  “From the City Park Camp over there.”
“We’re moving east, towards some friends.”  Dawn said, easing her weapon down.  “You’re welcome to come along.”
Will shook his head.  “I appreciate it, but my home is here.  Besides, you have plenty of trouble ahead of you.  The Jackals are a big gang and they do not forgive.”
Jack snorted a short laugh.  “Nothing we can’t handle.  Hell we’ve been on the road since Minneapolis.  Roads are rough, but if we keep moving we’ll be fine.”
Dawn nodded.  “I doubt any of that gang wants to bother trying to chase us down.”
Will shook his head slowly.  “Those guys you shot are just a few of the Jackals.  They are going to chase you down and kill you.  They have plenty of military hardware, and I’ve seen it happen.”
“What do you mean?”  Jack asked, his grin slowly fading.
“A dozen men attacked our camp two weeks ago.  We did what we were told to do by the Jackals - we gave up everything the raiders demanded, but within an hour or so, more than twenty Jackals showed up.  It didn’t take long for the Jackals to win, they shot a few of the raiders and took a few prisoner.  The others fled, but the Jackals chased them all down and dragged their bodies back in front of us.  We didn’t get the food back, and what they managed to do during that hour…”  Will shook his head.
Dawn nodded, looking out the window.  “So you’re saying they are already coming here to kill us?”
“I’m sure of it.”  Will said.  “Mary should have invited you in and kept you until the gang showed up.  That’s what we’re told to do, until the Jackals can show up.  If you go now, the Jackals will chase you down.”
A long silence followed, as Dawn and Jack exchanged glances.  Dawn slowly shrugged, looking around the gas station she asked “Well, what do you think Jack?”
With a sigh, Jack replied “Looks like we’re back on the road.”  Pointing out the front window he asked “Is that your car?”
Will shook his head.  “No.  That was left here by the Jackals.  They have a few cars and trucks around town, probably some supplies as well.  Nobody touches their stuff, if they catch you messing with it at all…  Well,  they have killed and maimed people.  It’s not worth it.”
Dawn snorted.  “Looks like we have fresh wheels, right Jack?  If they are going to chase us down, they will know what car to look for.”
Will’s eyes went wide.  “You’re crazy!  Why would you make them more upset?”
“If they’re coming anyway, we might as well use their gas to get a head start.”  Dawn said.  “Well, Jack, Ready to roll?”

So the gas station is not empty, we meet another survivor.  The meet and greet is tied, so he is talkative, but won’t join.  His story is a pretty standard development in the post-apocalypse, there is a gang that has taken over the town.  If Dawn and Jack leave, there is a chance the locals won’t be punished, and instead ‘The Jackals’ will hunt down our survivors.
I decide to take the car; they will head back to the station wagon and load up.  At least they have the fuel to move if they need to.  Given what this gang can muster for equipment, they need to get moving.
The new ride attracts some attention
Dawn starts up the car and she and Jack drive back out of town, past the camp and stony gaze of the leader, Mary.  I can’t believe I couldn’t get some better People skill rolls or even reaction rolls.  The dice really don’t want these people to get any help.
Leaving town in their new car
Dawn drove down the county road, circling back to the house where the station wagon was parked.  The morning was giving way to midday, the heat and humidity was going to make the day miserable.  Even the bright sunlight did little to brighten the mood.
“We should have done something.”  Jack said for the tenth time since they got in the car.  “Something to help.”
Dawn pulled up next to the station wagon, turning off the car.  “You heard them.  Us being gone was the best chance they had.”  Getting out into the summer heat reminded Dawn of the morning.  “Transfer the gas to the wagon, leave enough to ditch this thing when we can.”  She said, walking to the back of the car.
Jack grabbed a siphon hose from the station wagon and began to transfer the fuel.  Grumbling he said “We should do something.”
“Jack, make sure to leave a gallon or so behind.”  Dawn said from the rear of the car.
“I’m done.  You want to torch this or something?”  Jack asked, walking to the rear of the station wagon.
Dawn tossed Jack an assault rifle.  “I think it will be good wheels to get back to town.”  Dawn replied and checked the action on the SAW she had pulled from the back of the car.  “I’m not going to wait for them to find us.  Let’s go see what these ‘Jackals’ are all about.”

Jack smiled.  “Damn right.”


  1. I'm enjoying these stories/games very much, it looks as if I'm going to have to start delving in the previous posts.

    Great ending and hook for the next tale which might be called The Wild Duo. Hope it has a better ending for Dawn and Jack than the original film.

    1. Glad to hear you are enjoying the campaign. It's been a long road to get this point...

      Dawn has a lot of firepower, but this gang is dangerous. We will see where it ends up.

  2. Another awesome episode, Dawn is immense!

  3. Loved it! Dawn certainly is a great character.

    1. Happy to hear you enjoyed it! Dawn has been a fun character to continue the campaign with. Let's hope she's not biting off too much...

  4. This is beginning to sound like a Western: the mysterious stranger rides into town to clean up the gang that is threatening the innocent citizens. Good luck, Dawn :-) !

    1. HA! I hadn't thought of it that way, but it does have a classic western tale feel. Let's hope it goes well...

    2. If there were more of them it could have been the Wild Bunch but as it is the Wild Duo will have to do.

  5. Great ending to the scenario for Dawn and Jack, but taking on the Jackals has some bad vibes about it.

    1. Thanks! I wasn't too sure about it either, but instead of looking over their shoulders, Dawn and Jack will see if they can take on the gang on their own terms.

      It also seemed like a fun scenario to try...
