"Well, we can try down Spencer, or Prospect Avenue..." Mark offered.
"Both of those go west - the airport was a war zone two days ago, and I think we can still see smoke rising out there. I say we go east, towards the Locks area." Cindy tossed her can in a recycle bin nearby. "Besides, I may not have cell service, but I still have an app with realtor codes. We can get into dozens of empty homes to hole up until we can all get home."
"Sounds fine to me. I don't know where anything is around here!" Allen laughed. "Plus it will be better than sleeping on the floor, or in my truck for the next week!"
"Okay, so we head up Carlton Street and then try and cross the highway at Calumet..." Mark started discussing their plans, as the sun climbed into the hazy morning sky.
I decided the group would take the rest of day 2 to get to know each other, take stock of what they have and just prepare in general. This would be Day 3, and start in the morning.
The group split into two vehicles, Mark and Ben in Mark's red Jeep would lead the way, with Allen and both Cindy and Dawn following in his big rig. Everyone carries their weapons, a unit of food and everything else is divided between the vehicles.
Before I started, I rolled 2d6, and passed 0. That lead to a random encounter, which I rolled up as a gang that has setup a road block. I generated 5 gangers, with 2 cars, blocking an intersection. They would be hostile, but Team Mark wouldn't attack until attacked (they are still citizens, and they have not had to deal with hostile living people yet.) There will be no zombies at the start, but 1 +d6 will spawn on every doubles roll. These will appear in a random section of the board. If they appear where someone has died, or in the two locations with dead bodies, the zombie will replace the body. The encounter rating is a 4, and the law is active (they will arrive in 1/2d6 turns after shots fired.)
This looks like trouble |
Allen and the big rig drive onto the board the next turn, and stop to the right. Allen's team jump out and head up the alley on the right.
This alley seems quiet |
"I don't think so. Those aren't cops. Still, we'll see if they will just let us pass." Mark suggested hopefully.
Mark Ran forward, and triggered the in sight test again - this time a few figs were in range of each other (everyone has pistols or a machine pistol) and we find out that gangers are not a talkative lot...
Hey, can we just drive through? |
For once things really went my way. Two gangers opened fire, one with a machine pistol, the other with a pistol, They couldn't hit the side of a barn. Mark shot back on reaction and dropped one, but only stunned him. On Mark's next activation, he did the same to the other ganger in range. The police were only two turns away at this point, so Mark decided to try and get into the gas station kiosk/office on his next turn. The PEF inside resolved as two zombies. Mark easily handled them in melee.
Never fails that an unfinished building becomes the center of action. |
Ben moved up and exchanges fire |
"Gahhh! Those guys are coming after me! Don't shoot!" Ben shrieked and ran.
The next turn, the gangers activated, and one moved to trigger an in sight test. Ben failed his brown pants roll and ducked back, behind cover by the office.
Citizen Ben, how disappointing. |
This is actually inside, not a roof meeting... |
Time for the law to assert control. |
Shots cracked around Mark, tinging off of the displays left in the store. Ben groaned and crashed to the floor. Mark felt a kick in his shoulder and spun to the floor. The world grew suddenly quiet, and blurry. Shaking off the cobwebs, Mark saw one of the gangers standing in the doorway, raising his pistol...
Doubles come up, and two zombies wander into the area.
Mr. zed shows up. |
The next turn, Mark activated, the ganger missed two shots, and another as Mark charged him in melee. Mark killed him in melee, right off. The gangers outside fired again, but missed. Even seeing one of their own dead, they still decided to stick it out.
More doubles came up, and zombies pour into the streets. Including the dead ganger right next to Mark.
Here come the dead |
The zombies shamble forward |
The zombies sense food |
The undead finally get to the gangers |
Officer Daniels faces a zombie |
"FREEZE!" Officer McDougal yelled at the ganger as he rounded the sign. The ganger didn't even slow down. Firing twice, the ganger dropped to the pavement.
The end of this gang |
Officer Daniels falls to the undead. |
"Let's get 'em!" Mark yelled and charged. Ben hefted his bat and started to follow Mark. As he rounded the Hummer, he saw the zombies tearing apart the ganger's body. The gruesome sight made Ben's stomach lurch.
"Oh God! What are they doing!" Ben yelled and ran back, loosing his meager breakfast along the way.
Mark passes 2d for see the feast, and charges the zombies. Ben only passes 1d, and slumps back to the store.
The dead don't seem so bad after that... |
My luck doesn't hold, and I am going to have to try and hot wire them.
"Ben! Hop in to the gold one and see if you can hot wire it." Mark yelled as he ran towards the truck. "I'll try this one!"
The gold Camaro fired up, some tune thumping from the car's interior. Ben smiled as he backed it up through the intersection. Killing the engine, the streets seemed suddenly quiet. "They left them in this one!" Ben laughed as he got out. "Maybe we should keep it - it seems fast!"
"Do you really want some gangers car?" Mark asked. "If these guys have friends, they may not like the idea of you cruising around in it."
Lets move, Ben! |
More Zeds |
With a roar, Allen's big rig rolled up the street, zombies shambling out of side streets desperate to grab the fleeing truck.
Allen floors it past the roadblock. |
This time the jeep starts! |
"Hey we got company coming!" Ben yelled. He fired a couple of shots from his shotgun, but missed. "I don't think they want to ride!"
Mark slammed the jeep around, and headed up the street after Allen's truck.
Quite the welcoming committee |
Off we go! |
Mark ran over one zombie, and managed to keep in control. It was a short trip to the exit from the board.
Once they left the board, the scenario was over. I would call this at least a marginal success, and as it was an encounter between "major" scenarios, I am not going to check for advances, nor will I check for keeping together. Regardless of the outcome of the next game, Mark will qualify for survivor status afterwards.
Mark zipped up past Allen's truck, taking the lead again. For just a moment, he thought he saw a policeman running down a side alley. "Just a few more blocks to the highway!" he yelled at Ben. "Let's hope they don't just start shooting!"
"Mark, I'm sorry man, I lost it back there..." Ben was shaking.
"Don't worry about it! This is crazy, just pull it together and stay with me, we'll get through this together." Mark reassured Ben. "All of us together..."