Sunday, June 18, 2017

Father's Day Zombies!

It's Father's Day in the US, so I'd like to send a happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there.  I hope you had a great day!

I had my two nephews visit this weekend.  They are 2 and 6, and now I realize why I am glad my kids are 21 and 23!  Not much for gaming, but I did get a couple of great zombie themed games to try out.
High hopes!

First is The Walking Dead: All Out War.  I have not played it, but have seen it played in a few places and it certainly looks cool.  I'm looking forward to at least painting the minis and adding them to my ATZ games.
Has potential...

Second is called Zombie Island.  I have never heard of this game, my wife found it at a game store that specializes in out of print games and accessories.  I haven't had a chance to unbox it yet, but I plan on breaking it out and posting a game recap.  It sounds like fun, you are an "explorer" making your way through a jungle infested with zombies.  That is what I have gotten from a quick read of the box...

It was a busy and tiring weekend.  Hopefully Fear the Walking Dead tonight doesn't disappoint!


  1. Looks like you have had a good day. Not heard of Zombie Island either, sounds like fun.

    1. Thanks! I'll get a review of the game up soon.

  2. I have heard lots of good things about the TWD AoW. As for Zombie island never heard of it but it sounds like it could be cool.

    1. I'm sure Walking Dead is good, I have heard plenty of reviews. Zombie Island is a much less ambitious game, but it has been fun.

  3. I like the look of that Island game. Will look forward to seeing that.

    1. I will have a recap up soon. It was an interesting game.

  4. Great presents and a lot to hearing/seeoing in the future.

  5. the Walking Dead is a cracking game, but i'm yet to play it in solo and scenario modes.

    1. I'm hoping to give it a go this weekend. I'll get the recap of Zombie Island up first.

  6. On, "Zombie Island" gets a rating of 5.58 (out of 10). I wouldn't hold out too many hopes for it :-( .

    I see that you are also being spammed by "NaRong". Looks like the spammers are now copying earlier comments rather than just using generic "I like your article" text. I had to report and delete a whole bunch of this crap yesterday.

    1. I'll have a recap and review of Zombie Island up soon enough. It's not bad, better than the 5.58/10 rating, but I'm probably too soft.

      Yeah, I missed NaRong's garbage. I'll try and get things cleaned up. Sorry for the spam!
